According to latest intelligence reports, the Somalia based ragtag smuggled the deadly gas in mid October and they are preparing to use it on Kenyan soil during the Christmas Holiday.
Sources said Al Shabaab acquired the deadly gas after sending more than 1,000 Al Shabaab fighters to Syria in the month of September.
The group wants to use the gas in churches, football matches, malls and in political rallies so that the Kenyan Government can withdraw its troops from Somalia.
Nerve gas is a colorless, odorless sarin, which is capable of killing a group of people within seconds.
The gas is considered 5oo times more toxic than cyanide, able to kill within one minute after ingestion of about o.o1 milligram per kilogram of body weight. It is classified as a chemical weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations.
We also urged Kenyans to be vigilant and report any suspicious person to the authorities. Let us be our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers.
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