Thursday, 27 November 2014

Al Shabaab To Help Odinga Overthrow Jubilee

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Al-shabab says they can help Raila overthrow the Jubilee GovernmentSomali based terrorist organization, Al Shabaab, has said it has the capability of overthrow the Jubilee Government if Kenya’s opposition support their cause of asking Uhuru/ Ruto to withdraw Kenyan troops from Somalia.

In an exclusive interview with an Al Jazeera correspondent, Al Shabaab spokesman, Abdi Aziz Abu Mus’ab, said Al Shabaab militias have recently acquired new weaponry able to overthrow the Kenyan Government.
“With the blessings of Allah, we have managed to acquire sophisticated weaponry from Syria and we can topple the Jubilee Government because it is the number one enemy of the Muslim community in Kenya,” Aziz said.

Al-shabab says they can help Raila overthrow the Jubilee Government
Thespokesman, who was interviewed by Al Jazeera for more than 2 hours, said the war against Kafirs will continue until the Kenyan Government agrees to withdraw its troops from Somalia.

Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) went into Somalia in 2011 after Al Shabaab raided coastal towns and has since seen a surge in lethal attacks which has claimed lives of hundreds of Somalis.

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