"Hymen" derives from the Greek for membrane. Hymen was also the Greek
god of marriage. These two facts summarize the conventional wisdom about
this widely misunderstood tissue, that this fabled membrane covers the
womanly opening, and is "pierced," "broken," or "torn asunder" when
women wed and have intercourse, presumably for the first time.
For thousands of years, many cultures have believed that "breaking" the
hymen caused pain, hence the belief, still current, that women
experience--in fact, should experience--pain on first intercourse. In
addition, some cultures have believed that if questions arose about a
young woman's virginity, an examination could determine whether she was
or wasn't. An intact hymen demonstrated her virtue while anything else
proved she'd already been deflowered. Many cultures have also believed
that "piercing" the hymen caused bleeding. In these cultures, shortly
after weddings, new husbands were expected to produce bloody sheets to
prove they'd (1) married virgins, and (2) consummated the marriage.
Ridiculous. Here's the rare truth about the widely misunderstood hymen.
reasons that remain unclear, female babies are born with membranes
surrounding their womanly openings. Most hymens are doughnut shaped and
open in the center. Newborns' hymens tend to be prominent and thick. But
as the years pass, most hymenal tissue thins and the opening widens.
During childhood most hymenal tissue wears away as a result of washing,
walking, athletics, self-exploration, and self-service, though little
bits may remain around the womanly opening, particularly in the area
closest to the anus (hymenal tags).
The intact hymen almost
never covers the entire womanliness. If it did, virgin girls could not
menstruate. However, the opening may not look like a doughnut hole. In
some women, it has a ladder-like appearance with bands of tissue
extending from one side to the other. In others, it resembles a
honeycomb with multiple small openings. And in rare cases, an estimated
one in 200, the hymen's single opening is so small that fingers,
tampons, and erections may not be able to enter comfortably or at all
(imperforate hymen). For women with imperforate hymens, a simple
surgical procedure snips away the excess tissue. But in most women, by
adolescence, any remaining hymenal tissue offers no significant
impediment to using tampons or enjoying pain-free intercourse.
If hymenal tissue has largely worn away by adolescence, why do so many
women experience pain on first intercourse? The sexological literature
is oddly quiet on this issue. But I have a few ideas:
Pain on
intercourse is a fairly common gynecological problem. It may be caused
by many conditions. Some pain on first intercourse may have to do with
medical issues.
Because of the mythology surrounding the hymen,
many (most?) women expect first intercourse to hurt, which may become a
self-fulfilling prophecy. The expectation of pain causes anxiety, which
can turn minor discomfort into pain.
According to the National
Health and Social Life Survey (1994), about one-third of women recall
not wanting sex their first time or recall being forced into it during
Inbreeding, sexual assault, or other coercion or exploitation.
Exploitive or assaultive sex can cause tremendous anxiety and produce or
aggravate pain.
Even when women fully consent to first
intercourse, an estimated "75 percent feel unprepared and find their
initial sexual experience distasteful," according to the late sex
therapist Sandra Leiblum, Ph.D. "Young Romeos, even those who care
deeply about their girlfriends, typically lack the sexual skill and
finesse for enjoyable intercourse." Fearful that women may change their
minds, young men often rush into intercourse before women feel
emotionally ready for it, and before their vaginas have become
sufficiently relaxed and receptive for pain-free intercourse. Once
erections enter young women, the men they're attached to often imitate
the pounding, piston-like action of Indecency. Such mechanical,
non-sensual sex can also cause pain.
Even if first intercourse
is totally consensual and loving, sweet, and sensual, natural anxiety
around their first time may interfere with women's release of womanly
lubrication. Poorly lubricated intercourse also contributes to painful
Residual hymenal tissue may also contribute to
discomfort or pain, but for the vast majority of women, hymen issues
play a minor, if any role in pain on first intercourse (unless the woman
has an imperforate hymen that has not been reduced beforehand).
Finally, what about all those bloody sheets? Rushed, nonsensual, poorly
lubricated, piston-like intercourse might abrade sensitive womanly
tissue enough to cause bleeding. But throughout history, in cultures
that have insisted on female virginity at marriage, the stakes have been
very high. No blood on the sheets deeply dishonored the bride's family
and might even bring charges of marital fraud. Many brides have taken no
chances. Often under their mothers' direction, they have filed a
fingernail to a sharp point and on their wedding night, cut themselves
on the thigh, producing enough blood to stain the sheets and satisfy
tradition--and the mythology surrounding the hymen.
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