Raila refused to open his new ODM office in
Meru after what he described as the most disgusting reception ever of any
leader of his calibre.
Raila, who had taken his Okoa Kenya
referendum campaign to Meru, was shocked to find his new ODM office situated in
Gitimbine which he was to open, smeared with human waste and old car oil all
over by a faction of Merus perhaps to revenge President Uhuru Kenyatta’s
heckling in Migori last Monday.
However, upon inquiry, the former PM came to
learn that the disgusting thing was done by one of the ODM faction which wants
the office to be opened in a different part of the town.
This prompted Raila Odinga not to open the
office and instead invited the two warring factions to Orange House to settle
their differences.
Efforts by Gitobu Marete’s team to repaint the
office for it to be opened by the former PM bore no fruit as Raila refused
completely, saying he will never forget what Merus did to him that day.
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