Sunday 16 November 2014

Here Are Some of The Biggest Blogging Challenges

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What are your biggest blogging challenges?No blogger out there in the blogosphere could deny out rightly the fact that he/she has one form of blogging challenge or the other.

Blogging challenges cuts across from individual to individual and from newbie bloggers to pro bloggers, just similar way skills, special gifts varies amongst individuals.

One form of blogging challenge for Blogger A could turn out to be the blogging strength for Blogger B, and that is one of the major reason I decided to put up this post, so you can freely list some of your blogging challenges which can be strength to other bloggers, and by so doing you might just get the help you need to tackle some of your blogging challenges…“A problem shared, is said to be half solved

For some, their major challenges could be creating of catchy and engaging contents, whereas others will tell you that it is just how to drive the desired traffic to their blog.

But one thing I know is that traffic has remained one of the major challenges facing upcoming bloggers, but on the other hand, some pro blogger have been able to conquer traffic challenges and have succeeded in turning their blogs into honeycomb that attract swamps of traffic at any given point in time.

Whichever be the case, traffic and content are not the only challenges facing bloggers, as other different challenges abound in the blogosphere.

I conducted a recent study on a popular Facebook group, Bloggerslab that comprises of about 6000 + active members who are mainly bloggers, that saw many pro and upcoming bloggers dishing out their blogging challenges when a similar question was posed to members of the group by another member.

Elsie Godwin, who is a member of the group, in response to the question, said that his blogging challenges stems from time, internet, content and traffic, while another member hinged his blogging challenges as getting enough traffic to make his Adsense count, and some others had said that getting Adsense approval is their challenge.

Another notable member of the group, who goes by the name Olili Bob also mentioned traffic as his blogging challenge. Again, Muogbo Ifeanyichukwu Kingsley, also a member told the members of the group that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has remained his nightmare in blogging.

Statistics taken, show that most of the bloggers cried out for increased traffic to their blogs as their main blogging challenges.
It was a bit of surprise to see only but few bloggers mentioned content creation as their blogging challenge.

But out of personal opinion and observation made, we saw the increase and proliferation of copied content (plagiarism) in the blogosphere, and it has made us to include content creation challenges to traffic as the two most common and biggest sources of blogging challenges facing many bloggers out there.

If content creation was not a major challenge, then the rate of plagiarized contents will be minimal contrary to our observation.

Now to tackle some of these problems, we are urging the bloggers out there that some of the challenges enumerated above turned out to be their strength, to use this opportunity in contributing or lending a hand, maybe by using the comment section to brief others on their strength which happens to be some form of challenges to others.

And they can also list out their blogging challenges too, which might in turn be others strength, and by so doing they could also get similar help. By so doing, the knowledge will go round and everybody will have something to learn and go home with.

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