Sunday 16 November 2014

10 amazing benefits of blogging

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10 amazing benefits of blogging
Have you been blogging for some time now? Are you blogging for passion or for money or both? Did you always see blogging as stressful and difficult task? And have you ever thought of other benefits that could come with blogging that might not have known?

All these and many other simple questions are questions that you can answer as a blogger or might not even have occurred to you to ask yourself but whichever way, I have used this opportunity to present them to you and we will be basing our discussions today around them.

The most important and the most relevant to this topic was the last question I asked i.e. ‘have you thought of other benefits that can be associated with blogging that you yourself are not even aware of?’

This leads us straight to the 10 benefits of blogging. But before I venture into listing and thrashing them out, it is fact that many bloggers out there think that the only benefits of blogging are making money and recreation (passion and fun).

There are more to that and here are other 10 amazing benefits of blogging that you might not even be aware of;

1.      Improved writing skills – By the nature of blogging which involves mostly content creation, many bloggers out there are great writers. As they blog, there writing skills improve tremendously by the day. You might not be the best writer out there yet, but there is always writing improvement as time goes on.

2.      Increased typing pace – Yes if you are a good blogger that does not always involve in the unwholesome act of just copying-pasting other webmasters handwork, you will then agree with me that your computer keyboard is one of your best friend. The more you type the faster a typist you tend to become.

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3.      Brain power and mind development – As a blogger, in your blogging activities you keep on cracking up your brain and mind in coming up with that that juicy content for your readers. By so doing, you constantly think out of the box to achieve that. This helps in building and developing both your brain power and mind. It was when I started getting soaked in blogging that I then believed totally in the saying ‘’that whatever the heart of a man can conceive, he can truly achieve’’. And also that many lazy folks out there are people that have just allowed the genius in them to lay idle and sleep away.

4.      Keep you busy – You should know now that ‘an idle mind is the devils workshop’. But with blogging, you have something doing for yourself and this will greatly help you in disengaging yourself from some mischievous acts often associated with idle minds.

5.      Your own boss – You should also know that blogging is now mostly categorized under Home-based-business and as a blogger that you are, you are already an internet person and you must have heard these words ‘becoming your own boss’. As nice as that might sound blogging truly gives you all the freedom in this world to become your own made boss. After all many folks don’t like working under others.

6.      Improved communication skills and spoken language – I am quite sure that some of you bloggers offer interviews to some of your deserving or interested audience, and again for somebody like me, whenever I am proofreading articles, I read by speaking the words and sentences out. These two activities when constantly done, no doubt improve both communication skills and that of spoken language.

7.      Exercise – Yes you heard me right “Exercise”. When you are constantly pressing those keys on your keyboard while typing your articles, what are you doing to your fingers? Straining or exercising them?

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8.      Versatile knowledge – The activities you do during blogging no doubt increase your technical know-how. By reading more, doing your researches and sourcing for ideas in different and wide varieties of environment gives you authority to what you are doing and increase your knowledge.

9.      Building relationship – In one of my previous piece, I have once defined blogging as the art of creating quality contents geared towards building readership community and that you can be rewarded at the long run.  Blogging helps you build strong relationship with those your readership communities and by so doing, who knows? Some day you could just get that connection that might take you to the climax of your career.

10.  Responsible – Blogging makes you a responsible fellow since it comes with its own dignity. You even earn the respect of both your fellow bloggers and non-bloggers alike. A lot of people tend to seek after you, seek for your opinions and advices and even advertisers are not left out especially if you know exactly what you are doing. They hold you in high esteem and all these definitely will improve your reputation as a blogger.

Now you can see that blogging comes with it a whole lot of benefits and I believe you are wowed by all you have read today.

If you still have some other benefits that you felt were not covered and you want to share them, please do well to share below so that we can all learn together because I know some ears are still itching to hear more.

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