Sunday 16 November 2014

The simple truth on how to get massive traffic to your blog

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The simple truth on how to get massive traffic to your blogThe other time I told you about the two best and largest sources of traffic to your blog, this time around I want to tell you the simple truth behind getting those massive traffic to your blog through those sources that I mentioned and other sources of traffic as well.

When I mentioned the largest source of traffic in my previous post, you should know that yes even if the both methods that I mentioned remains the best and largest sources of blog traffic, it does not mean that once you create a blog today, that the traffic will just start pouring from those sources.

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There are other things you must know and do before getting massive visitors to your blog, since traffic is the livewire of every blog while quality content is king on the other part.

So here, we want to assume that you are already constantly updating your blog with quality contents, because our assumption here is that on the average, blog updating is what we expect anybody that calls himself/herself a serious blogger to be doing. It could be once a week, twice a week, once a day or multiple times in a day, all depending mostly on your blogging niche and your blog posting routine that you have adopted from time to time and that conforms with your time table. But what we know here is that you should be updating your blog as a blogger.

Yes no doubt that quality content is king, but you will also agree with me that you can be creating wonderful contents on your blog on regular bases and still not be successful in the blogosphere as a result of under exposure of your blog, but with massive traffic gotten from any other proper means, success is guaranteed. In other words, quality content can just be a stepping stone to becoming a successful blogger, but traffic gotten by any proper means is the turning point in successful blogging.

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It is in the above vein that I want to tell you nothing but the truth on how to get that massive traffic to your blog.

I think as a blogger who crave to be successful, that whenever traffic matters are mentioned, you should always raise your ears up like that of a rabbit waiting to hear and grab that method being proffered by any experienced person or blogger in driving massive traffic to a blog, and also since no blogger can be successful without traffic it should be treated paramount.

The question here remains how do you get massive traffic to your blog? There are only two broad ways of getting massive traffic to your blog, and I will be discussing them with you. They are;

= =>the free method of driving traffic
= =>paid method of getting traffic

Now let take them one after the other and trash them out and see how they work for you.

The free method of getting traffic involves all the methods that you might have been using and also those that you have not been using without paying a dime, and they include; sharing your posts on social media sites after every update, sharing on social bookmarking sites, sharing on different and relevant online communities, commenting with your link on higher blogs, dropping your link on signature line of forums, using free SEO tools and every other methods that is even best known to you all just without paying.

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This method is one of the methods used in driving massive traffic to your blog, but what it actually entails is that with this method, you build your traffic at slow but steady rate. As you keep on doing all those things, your traffic grows gradually as your links spread and also your search engine traffic also grows gradually.

This method is good because it is free and your traffic grows at steady state and with direct and quality visitors. The only thing here is that it takes time and can even take you three to five years, in some cases more than that for you to build that massive and regular traffic to your blog. So if you have time and are patient enough, you can toe this line of generating massive traffic to your blog.

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The second method is the paid method. Just as a friend will say, if you have extra money, then spend it in driving massive traffic to your blog. But unfortunately most of the times newbie bloggers don’t have such money to spend and since he/she might even be depending on the blog to be earning some bucks.

The paid method here involves things like advertising your blogs, buying of social media pages with massive and interactive fans, spending money on premium and advanced SEO tools.

I will talk more on the advertising here. There are different ways you can spend your extra cash if only you have it on advertising. There are different forms of advertising that you can do to drive that massive traffic to your blog. It can be online advertising on other high traffic blog/website out there which could be in form of banner ads or sponsored posting on those higher blog/website that accepts them. It could be using Facebook ads, PPC ads networks like Adwords, Addyanamo, Chikita etc.

It can also be offline methods of advertising your blogs on print media, maybe on some popular dailies; it can be handbills that you will distribute to the crowd. Again you can even take to the electronic media form of advertising like on TVs and Radio stations. That is if only you have that extra cash to spend, then don’t hesitate to do that, it will go a long way turning your blog into visitors lodge.

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The good thing about this paid method of driving massive traffic to your blog is that unlike the other method described above which brings in the visitors at a snail speed, advertising drives massive traffic to your blog within a very short period of time, but the down side is that if you advertise and stop the adverts immediately, you will witness a massive decline in your traffic and again if PPC ads were your main blog monetization method, then don’t expect much and steady earnings at the initial period of your advertising, in fact at that moment you should consider those spending’s more as cash sacrifices, because no doubt that loyal and quality traffics takes some time to build.

So when you are toeing this method of driving massive traffic to your blog by paying for it, you should endeavour to push your adverts longer for reasonable length of time so you can build those returning visitors before stepping or slowing down with your advertisement.

Those are the two methods that you can use to drive massive visitors to your blog, so nothing hidden in that and it is now left for you to decide on what path to take.

If you have any contribution to make as regards to driving massive traffic to a blog, please don’t hesitate to tell us below in the comment box, as any methods at all that you have or use and willing to proffer is highly welcome, and we are all willing to know and learn as when it comes to driving traffic, all old and any new methods adds up and nobody is an Island on that.

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