Monday 1 September 2014

Wamalwa Tells Wetangula The Bitter Truth. Read What He Told Him..

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eugene 300x225 Eugene Wamalwa Tells Wetangula the Bitter Truth During Kijana Wamalwas memorialDuring the Kijana Wamalwa’s memorial, Eugene Wamalwa raised the topic of Luhya community unity once more. All the Luhya leaders and politicians were present but others kept a low profile. Boni Khalwale and Musikari Kombo kept a low profile to avoid politics during the memorial service.

According to Eugene Wamalwa, the referendum calls are a waste of time and poor Kenyans money. Wamalwa has always challenged Moses Wetangula to read and interpret the constitution very well and understand why the country is not ready for referendum.

My brother Wetangula is a distinguished lawyer, I would like him to read and interpret the constitution very well to understand why the country does not need a referendum a this time.

Eugene Wamalwa also criticzed Wetangula for holding grip to CORD yet Raila is a political conman who cannot be trusted. ” I am disappointed with Wetangula and wondering why he lets Raila mislead him ” Reiterated Eugene Wamalwa

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