Monday 1 September 2014

Facts About Retired President Moi You Never Knew

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MOI 11 FACTS ABOUT FORMER PRESIDENT DANIEL ARAP MOI KENYANS HAVE NEVER KNOWN 1. His first house was at Timboiwo in Sacho and still stands today

2. He never went to a driving school, his friend, Paul Chemirmir, taught him how to drive a Land Rover KFF 82

3. His first business was with his friend Reuben Chesire, they were the owners of Rift Valley Transport Company, and they also sold animal skins, paraffin, had a posho mill and a general store.

4. His favorite meal is lean meat especially overcooked lamb meat, ugali wimbi and any other traditional food without spices

5. He spearheaded the formation of the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT), together with Samuel Ayany, Stephen Kioni and Ignatius Mkok in 1957

6. He was named Daniel after the Biblical Daniel of the Old Testament who refused to pray other gods apart from God

7. He was a student at the Government African School in Kapsabet in 1940 and he was registered as student number 503

8. While at GAS Kapsabet, he led a strike over bad meat while he was the head boy

9. He was Baringo Central MP who was unopposed for 30 years until 1997 when Amos Kandie decided to take on him at an election.

10. He lived in a single room at Pumwani with Ronald Ngala, Justus Ole Tipis and Jean Marie Seroney who cooked meat with a lot of spices everyday

11. He is a very spiritual man and in his youth, he drove cattle for 10kms just to get a Bible

Cyprian Nyakundi

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