Sunday, 14 December 2014

Security Officers Deployed on Beaches to Guard Tourists this Festive Season

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Amid the terror threats which have given the once vibrant tourism industry at the coast a hard beating, the Mombasa County Government is set to deploy Beach Watch Inspectorate officers along the shores of the Indian Ocean beaches to inhibit cases of insecurity during this festive season.

Joab Tumbo, tourism executive said that the officers would be on stand-by to avert the petty crimes which are usually higher around this time of the year along the beaches.
“We want holiday makers to enjoy this festive period. The county government has teamed up with the Kenya Wildlife Service, Tourist Police Unit and the beach operators to ensure that security is maintained,” he said.
He also said that they expect a large number of local and regional tourists and the Beach Watch Inspectorate officers would be working with the life guards along the beaches to aid those who don’t know how to swim in the event of an emergency.

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