Here was his reply to a fan on Facebook.
Chuck Delly asked a very pertinent question why posh estates like South C, Kileleshwa, Lavington, Kilimani, Muthaiga, Hurlingham and the likes have perfect tarmacked roads, perfect street lighting and all cool amenities whereas places like Dandora, Kariobangi slums and the larger Eastlands is worse in lighting,drainage system and poor roads.
Here is my answer Chuck; while I acknowledge the fact that Nairobi’s development was originally structured by discriminative socio-economic system and urban policy regime resulting in disparities exhibited in infrastructure and services provision between different localities and social groups. This undoubtedly is a major threat to sustainable development and social stability in the city and is obviously agent of underdevelopment.
Nairobi City County Government has initiated the Nairobi Integrated Urban Development Master Plan (NIUPLAN) which has come to conclusion as the first major policy initiative to address developmental issues, challenges and needs of the city in an integrated, comprehensive and holistic policy and strategy approach.
Nairobi has to contend with problems of spatial inequalities, disparities in access to socio-economic infrastructure and urban space for production which exclude a huge sector of our population from full utilization of their productive capacity and also to contribute effectively in wealth creation in the city. Public policy and actual public investment regime obtaining currently can no longer permit discrimination against Dandora, giving preference to Kileleshwa in service and infrastructure provision.
Currently, the County Government together with National Government are investing colossal amount of money to 100% rehabilitate all street lighting system in the city in the first of transformation to ensure Nairobi becomes a 24hr city. Works have began and Eastlands and Dandora in particular are not spared. Further, Dandora, is also programmed to be under CCTV watch soon as part of security enhancement initiative.
The County is intending to completely regenerate Eastlands in terms of social, economic and physical systems through a comprehensive, integrative and holistic program. The diagnostic and feasibility study on Eastlands will start in January 2015 followed with implementation commencement after 12 months.
The County is also working on a regenerate initiative in severely declined tenant purchase/mortgage housing estates which will involve providing incentives for injection of private capital in house improvement in exchange for upgrading of infrastructure and environment quality as well as empowerment zonation to ensure sustainability.
Dandora will still benefit from the initiative in regard to capital upgrading of the houses by the owners and improvement of infrastructure, services and environmental quality as possible areas of enhanced public spending. Kariobangi areas which are part of our rental scheme are to be repainted soon in a program that involves youth engagement in skills training and maintenance works.
No Citizen shall be discriminated against in service delivery . Financial capacity of the city has not improved sufficiently to ensure that Governor delivers according plan, there is hope that discussion with national government which are on maybe yield improved funding. Capital cities in some jurisdictions are supported to the tune of 50% of national budget commensurate with their economic contribution. Nairobi currently account for over 45% of the national GDP. Unfortunately, it is funded far below its contribution the national economy.
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