Insulting the young Kenyan men below 30.
She definitely has a very low opinion of young men in Kenya.
Reasons why?
Read along….
By the way, I am furiously punching this piece in my evening class and the lecturer up there thinks I am polishing up my presentation, which I will be presenting in a few minutes. That is to those who think I never went to school.
Now, to the crux of the matter. How is it that we apply double standards in how we judge young men and women?
Young men are allowed to be little, irresponsible cads who stupefy themselves with alcohol but when young women act the same way, they are labelled as ratchets.
You are a grown man in his thirties, your poor parents sold everything they owned to take you to university and all you have to show for is 23,500 followers on Twitter.
What tomfoolery is this?
You are a young man, you sleep around as you like, participating in drunken orgies and when a young woman attempts to date more than one guy, you call her a slut.
You claim to be of sound mind and you attend those Masaku Sevens events that have always been more than a tawdry Sodom and Gomorrah?
Who are you? The Lord?
You are a young man in your late twenties. You have just started out in life. You are living your life like there is no tomorrow.
And yet you blame young women for demanding financially responsible men.
Who do you think you are? Jesus?
You think you are important because you have 30,900 followers on Twitter and yet your house rent is Sh3,900.
Just because you went to school does not mean you know everything about the media.
These young men who are too big for their britches should stop being shallow wussy babies and act their age, not their shoe size.
Let me smite you with the truth, you bozos. Arguing that the 40-year-old millionaires were once reckless 29-year-olds is jejune and idiotic.
The 40-year-old millionaires were assiduous 29-year-olds who saved their money to build their empires.
I should know, because I hang around them, no?
My take: We need to absquatulate from this Flinstonian thinking and Machiavellian manoeuvres because it will only result in a tragedy of Shakespearean magnitude.
If that sentence is too difficult for you to understand, I will simplify it for you, young man; Go to HELL.
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