Wednesday 23 July 2014

Ways to Get Out of the Friend Zone with Women

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Here are the only 4 Ways to Get Out of the Friend Zone with Women:

Is the friend zone standing between you and your happy ending? Well it doesn’t have to be. Try these tips to make sure you don’t become a matyr of the friendzone.

1. Break out from the nice guy stereotype

This is probably the most common reason why men fail at sealing the deal. While being a good guy isn’t a total bad thing, it usually means that you might be helping others without putting your needs first and may be compromising to make others happy. In this case, you might consider your feelings and relationship needs to be lower than the girl’s problems or issues, and hence stay quiet on the matter. So you should communicate your feelings to the girl. This will also show her that you have the confidence and self-esteem to carry and mantain this relationship. This brings us to our next step…

2. Less is actually more

While you might want to rush over to their place to confess your feelings right now, don’t–unless you’re looking forward to an embarrassing rejection. Instead of being forceful and scarying the girl on, you should be patient and work on building your relationship with her. Basically you need to start doing and saying things that indirectly put you into her mind. The more forceful or emergent you are, the needier you’ll seem and that is sure to scare her off.

3. Get that first date

She’s seen what a great friend you are, but now it’s time to show her what a great boyfriend you can be. Take her out, just the two of you and give her the boyfriend treatment, i.e. pick her up, take her out some where classy, pay for the meal and drop her off. However, don’t think of her as your girlfriend and expect her to act like that. Take things slow and show her what’s she is missing out on.

4. Maybe she’s just not that into you

If after all the techniques you’ve tried, you’re still stuck in the friend zone then it is highly possible that she just isn’t romantically interested in you. There is no use in pursuing a girl that isn’t into you. Perhaps you’re friend zoning a girl that does like you. If being friends is too difficult, you might want to take your relationship down to acquaintance level for a little time in order to help you move on or show her how much she relied on you. However remember that your happiness should be your priority and if the girl does not value you then you should not waste time on her and find someone that feels the same way about you.

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