Thursday 24 July 2014

New Instagram Status Updates For You

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  1. Is it just me, or is Instagram just Auto-Tune for photos?
  2. Its Throwback Thursday on Instagram…Chicks showing us how much they fell off since High School…
  3. Oh, you’re a model? What’s your agency? Instagram…
  4. Since today is Valentine’s day, I was wondering if you’d like to go back to MySpace, so I can Twit with your Yahoo, until I Google all over your Facebook and we can Instagram our date… ;) Happy Valentine’s Day, Everyone!!
  5. Just because I like your Facebook status does not mean I want to sleep, date, or hangout with you…
  6. Dear people who update their Facebook status every 30 seconds, there’s Twitter for a reason!
  7. For April Fools Day, I think Facebook should switch the search box and the status update box around. So people would post updates on who they stalk.
  8. You don’t have to like me, I’m not a Facebook status.
  9. I bet that in prison everyone’s FB relationship status is set to “it’s complicated”.
  10. Congratulations!! You are the 100th person to view my status. To see your prize please click Control + W.
  11. Not to name names, but I know some of you update your status from your phone so it appears like you actually left the house.
  12. That annoying moment when two people start a conversation on YOUR Facebook status.
  13. Facebook should change the relationship status from ‘Its complicated’ to ‘Sammie and Ronnie’
  14. A girl’s status will tell you more about how she feels than she ever will.
  15. Single, taken, in a relationship; are all just terms. Your status is measured by your actions.
  16. When your girlfriend has Taylor Swift lyrics as her status. Either you’ve done something very right or very wrong.
  17. That awkward moment when nobody likes your Facebook status.
  18. Some people might as well post ‘Wants Attention’ as their Facebook status.
  19. My ex boyfriends Facebook status said ‘Suicidal and standing on the edge.’ …So I poked him.
  20. If your girlfriend claims that she never looks at your Facebook profile; Try changing your status to ‘Single’ and wait 3-5 minutes…
  21. Why is it that Facebook even gives me the option to ‘Like’ my own status? Of course I like my status. I’m hilarious.
  22. Keep your issues in your tissue box, and learn how to keep them out of your status box.
  23. Hearing a part of a song and thinking…’That’s definitely going to be my next status!’
  24. OH NICE, so you can update your status via mobile, but you cant text me back?
  25. Guys: Wow, her status is dumb. But shes cute, so I’m gonna like it.

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