Tuesday 22 July 2014

Kenya And Uganda strike a Deal on Migingo

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Kenyan and Ugandan governments have struck a deal that will see Kenyan fishermen operating in Migingo Island freely on the Ugandan waters. In the deal, Ugandan security personnel will also be allowed to cross over to Kenyan beaches for food and medical supplies in a move expected to help reduce tension on the disputed island. Speaking from the island, Nyatike Sub-county Commissioner James Namtala said the agreement was reached after a joint meeting by senior government and security personnel from both Kenya and Uganda. “We are glad that we have found a solution to this problem. Our fishermen will now be able to go on with their activities without fear of arrests,” he said.

The leaders also agreed to have a joint Beach Management Unit (BMU), which will have officials from both Kenya and Uganda as opposed to the current set up where each country has its own officials.

This had earlier been disputed by the Ugandan leaders, who had accused their Kenyan counterparts of misappropriation of levies collected from beach users. Namtalla said that under the current arrangement, Ugandan BMU has been charging the Kenyan fishermen Sh4,000 per boat.

From the people daily>>

Both Kenyan and Ugandan government officials have reached an agreement that will allow for the smooth operation at the disputed Migingo Island.

This follows a joint ministerial meeting by ministers from the two countries, which established a joint council that came up with a joint communique on the way forward.

According to the communique, Kenyan fishermen operating on the island will now operate on the Ugandan waters without being arrested while Ugandan security personnel will also be able to cross over to Kenyan beaches for food and medical supplies.

Manage beach jointly On security, the two countries also agreed on standard operating procedures at Migingo with each having 12 officers headed by an officer of the same rank. The move is expected to greatly reduce tension on the disputed island. Speaking from the island yesterday, Nyatike sub-county commissioner James Namtala said the agreement was reached at after a joint meeting on the island attended by senior government and security personnel from the two countries.

“The agreement will offer a solution to perennial tension caused by clash between Kenyan fishermen and Ugandan security personnel,” he said. The leaders also agreed to have a joint Beach Management Unit with officials from both countries. A joint unit had flopped as officials from both countries have been accusing each other of mismanagement of funds, misuse of resources and favoritism during conflict resolution.

By Tom Rachuonyo @PeopleDailyKe

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