Thursday 7 August 2014

Why Xtiandela's and Nyakundi's Twitter accounts were hacked

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Hacktivist Still Waging War on Kenya's Social Media.

Popular Social media Figure: Xtian Dela and Popular Kenyan Blogger: Cyprian Nyakundi had their official Twitter accounts hacked earlier this week and abusive messages tweeted.

This comes weeks that saw the official Kenya Defence Forces, Deputy President's and the Liaison and Protocol officer Emmanuel Chirchir also had their accounts compromised and abusive messages posted.Ruto's, KDF and Chirchir’s accounts were momentarily recovered only for the hacker branded as Anonymous to gain access to them and carry on with the comical posts, but Xtian Dela and Nyakundi's accounts are still under the management of the Anonymous

They yesterday tweeted: "The only way @C_NyaKundiH and @xtiandela can get their Accounts is by hacking them back from #me Not even God or Twitter can help them"

The highly suspected reason to why these two popular twitter accounts being hacked was for the Anonymous hackers(GAZA supporters)  to spread the pain being severed in GAZA to a larger audience within Africa. In short, what  I'm trying to say that you and I(smallwigs) are safe from these hackers.
The screen prints below prove what I just stated above;

Xtian Dela's Twitter Handle (Screen Print)

 Cyprian Nyakundi's Twitter Handle (Screen Print)

Hopefully when The #GazaAttack calms, Xtian Dela and Cyprian Nyakundi's Accounts will be regained. In the meantime, Anonymous is in full control of all accounts belonging to Xtian Dela including his Paypal account, his popular Blog( and his Facebook fan page( ).

Cyprian Nyakundi has only his paypal and twitter account Hacked!.

Anonymous' Tweets

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