Friday 15 August 2014

What Studying Students Teaches Us About Great Apps

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With over a million apps each in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store, there’s an app — or 10 — for practically everything a consumer needs. So why is it in an ever-growing sea of competing apps, some take off like rocket ships while most fade into obscurity?  The answer is magic.
Magic — much like unicorns — may not be real per se, but we use it to describe that intangible feeling of delight we get from our favorite apps when they ‘automagically’ just work. I push a button, and presto! my ride appears. I snap a goofy picture and shazam! my friends get a good laugh before it disappears into the ether.
I swipe right on a photo of a cute, smart girl, and abracadabra! I’m chatting with someone who also swiped right. This is what consumer apps feel like when they work.
As mobile software continues on its march to eat the world, we at Cowboy Ventures wondered, are there other untapped or undiscovered apps that have this similar magic? So, we recently sponsored a survey* of over 1,000 high school and college students, with the help of a team of Stanford undergrads to learn:
1.  What apps are growing in popularity but currently “under the radar”?
2.  What are the most wished-for apps that don’t yet seem to exist?
With big caveats relating to the non-scientific nature of this survey and the methods used for filtering data, here is what we found:

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