Sunday 17 August 2014

Uhuru Beats RAila 10-nil in The Political Field

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President Uhuru Kenyatta has assured Kenyans that the ongoing land reforms will not stop until all illegally acquired land is repossessed.

Speaking in Kwale, Uhuru said the revocation of titles for grabbed land will not stop in Lamu County, but will extend to all the 47 Counties throughout the country, including Taita Taveta, where his family owns over 38, 000 acres of land most of which is alleged to have been acquired illegally.

The President called on political leaders across the divide to support his Government as it seeks to tackle the emotive land question once and for all.

However, according to political pundits, Uhuru’s commitment to repossessing grabbed land in Kenya is likely to be received with shock by former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s CORD, which has been capitalizing on the land question to fix the President and his Deputy, William Ruto, especially at the Coast.

And if Uhuru really meant what he said with regards to illegally acquired land across the country, then Raila Odinga is finished completely because he will not have anything else to campaign on against Uhuru and Ruto, as the President may just have nipped his nefarious plot against him in the bud.

CORD has constantly been challenging Uhuru to surrender the land his father grabbed in Taita Taveta to squatters if he is to be taken serious in resolving historical land injustices in the country.

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