Monday 11 August 2014

How to Create a Twitter Business Account

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Twitter  is one of the most popular and largest social networking site after Facebook. Twitter can benefit your business may be you’ve to realize that, but you don’t know or may be unsure how to get started. Many companies are using Twitter to share their information for business because twitter is ideal place. Twitter is just another way to connect with other companies, connect with your customers, direct customers attention, and build relationships with others. First step is simply to create an account for your business. Here is a step by step guide to create a twitter business account.

How to Setup a Twitter Business Account

Step 1 : First visit on Twitter: to sign up for an account. Click on “Sign up for Twitter.” After click on “Sign up for Twitter.” you will see new page to process signup.
Sign Up
Sign Up

Step 2 : Enter your full name or business name (putting your business name will help bring followers interested), Enter your business email address. Enter password, Choose username (change your username later). Next click on ‘Create my account’ button. Now you need to verify your twitter account. Go to your email, you can see a email from Twitter. Just click on confirmation link.
Step 3 : After verify your twitter account, this is the first page to appear after creating your business account.
Step 3 : Profile settings you can change your profile picture, header, name, and location, add your own website, write your short bio.

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