Monday 17 November 2014

5 Signs that Show A Girl is No-longer Interested In you.

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In any relationship you should always be on a look out to see how your girl behaves as much as you may have dated for long.

Here are five signs to look for in your girl to know whether you still rings on her ears like a bell all the time.

 1.Talking About Other guys

This is a key point to show you if your girl still feel you.If your girl keep on or like talking about other guys in front of you and she always dwell in a love related topics then you should know u are on your way out. 

2.She Does Not Dress For You- 

a girl will always dress up to capture the attention of a guy she loves so much,if your girl doesn't show up in a low cut dress as you may want,know that she is no-longer for u.

 3.She Does Not Introduce you to friends.

If your girl has never took you to her friends or relatives then u should know you are not that worthy for her,A girl who loves you will always like to hear what her friends and relatives say about you.

4.Lack Of Eye Contact.

Look out on her eyes when talking to her,if she doesn't look you in the eye then she is hiding something from you,a girl who loves you will always face u eye to eye when talking.

5.She Avoids Staying in Touch.

If she doesn't call,text or like hanging out with you,you should start questioning yourself,A girl in love with you will always keep in touch with you most of

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