Sunday 16 November 2014

10 Signs She Wants to Have Sex With You

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10. She laughs WAY too hard at your stupid jokes

This is difficult to notice when it’s one on one, but it’s very easy when you’re around a group. You’ll tell some stupid joke and your friends will chuckle and she will throw her head back and laugh and laugh and laugh. This is an excuse to show her healthy teeth and smile. This is also the quickest way to a man’s heart is laughing at his jokes. In the middle of her laughing hysterically at your shitty observational humor you stole from Jerry ask her, ‘Do you want to get out of here?’

 Read Also: Signs That You Satisfy Your Woman Sexually

9. She finds ANY excuse to touch you.

This is simple, she’ll scoot closer to you, touch your hand while you reach for your drink or feel your tattoo. The best way to give her an ‘excuse’ to touch you is by learning how to fake palm read, get a tattoo, thumb wrestle or work out.

8. She’s concerned with how you look.

Obviously women won’t want to sleep with Slobby McSlobberstien who doesn’t care about how he looks, but she will if her mark has a small crease in his shirt or his double Windsor knot in his tie is coming undone. She’ll brush away that single hair, adjust your handkerchief or any other small thing to give her the satisfaction that you’re a fixer upper and she fixed you up.

Recommended: To the Ladies : 10 Truths You Should Know

7. She texts you after midnight.

This means one of three things, she’s drunk and horny and thinking about you, she’s going to bed and horny and thinking about you, or she wants you to pick her up from the bar so she can tell you you’re the ‘bess fran EVAR!’ Try starting sexual innuendo to step into the next level.

6. She NEVER looks like shit around you.

If she knows you’re going to be there, where ever it may be she will look her best or not show up. If you meet up with your crush and she’s got no makeup on and sweat pants you should probably go and start picking up some beach front property in Friendzoneville.

Recommended: 10 Obvious Signs That You are In Love

5. She uses the phrase, “That is VERY interesting.”

With this one, you’ll have to use a bit of discretion. This means she is either very interested, or very UN-interested. The face that the woman is making above means you’re in.

4. How she’s holding her arms.

How a woman displays her breasts displays exactly what she’s advertising — sex or the lack there of. If her arms are crossed above her breasts, that is the worst case scenario. If they are tightened up underneath to make them look bigger and perkier, than that is the breast case scenario ( see what I did there?).

Recommended: How to Kiss a Kenyan Girl Smoothly with No Chance of Rejection

3. She fumbles with her keys when you drop her off at her place.

If she’s fumbling with her keys she’s lobbing you a big fat softball for you to crush. She’ll only wait about 10 seconds before she says goodnight and calls her friend laughing at how much of a bitch you are. So make your move.

2. She preens her hair.

Most women don’t know why they do this around men they are sexually attracted. They do it because women’s pheromones are located in their scalps and when they play with their hair they shake out those pheromones for us to smell. After all we are animals.

1. She grabs your junk

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