Monday 1 September 2014

Mumias Old Man Claims he Can Cure Ebola

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ebola 300x207 SHOCK AS OLD MAN FROM MUMIAS CLAIMS THAT HE CAN CURE EBOLA An old man from Mumias has claimed that he has the cure for Ebola. He noted that, Ebola could be cured traditionally if the government could allow him to give his medication . Mr Barasa also pointed out that the government has for a long time neglected traditional medicine while the consequence is what we are seeing all over the world especially the emergence of strange diseases.

Mr Barasa noted that traditionalists will continue to play a pivotal role in curing strange diseases and guiding our African society. Mr Barasa condemned foreign religion and said that it is responsible for all the problems that Africans are witnessing. He called on president Uhuru to start recognizing the traditionalists before things run out of hand like other Ebola hit areas .

Mzee Barasa concluded by saying that traditional medicine men have the power to consult the gods who can help deal with insecurity and other numerous problems facing our country. ” We want full support from Uhuru Kenyatta’s government to help this country ” he insisted.

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