Thursday 7 August 2014

Why Uhuru Is 3rd Best Prezzo In Sub-saharan Africa, Tops in East Africa

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Kenya's 4th President Uhuru Kenyatta has been rated 3rd best performing president in sub-Saharan Africa and top in East Africa region by a global research firm, Gallup. President Uhuru trailed Ibrahim Boubacar Keita (Preisdent of Mali) and Ian Kharma (President of Botswana) in a 2013 poll that saw more than half of the 26 sub-Saharan African countries surveyed. In the survey, respective adult citizens aged 15 years and above were asked whether they approve or disapprove the way their president was handling his or her job.

Kenya's President, Uhuru Kenyatta, who is currently serving his second year in office, polled 78% approval rating with only 18% of the those questioned disapproving his brand of leadership. Keita, who had served for one month at the time of the survey, had 86% approval rating and 12% disapproval while his Botswana counterpart who had been in the office for five years had 81% approval and 18% disapproval.

The Gallup poll indicated, “Presidents from more than half of the 26 sub-Saharan African countries surveyed in 2013 – many of whom are attending the US-Africa Leaders Summit this week – received job approval ratings higher than 50%. But those ratings varied greatly across countries” . The study observed that better-off residents had higher chances of giving higher marks to their respective head of state.

Study findings stated: “Across all sub-Saharan African countries surveyed in 2013, residents who said they are living comfortably or are getting on their present income were far more likely than those who said they are less well-off to approve their president’s job performance”. “This suggests that better-off residents may be benefitting, either directly or indirectly, from a certain climate nurtured by the leader and his or her policies,”

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