Thursday 7 August 2014

What Not To Do During BreakUps.

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I don’t know much about relationships -seeing that I have been single since forever- so we’ll avoid that for today. My area of specialization however, is what we’ll dwell on, Breakups! We’ve all been there, whether we were doing the dumping or getting dumped.
So in this post I’ll tell you what not to do during break ups & how to deal with them, because let’s face it. Mtaachana tu 😁

1. Do not Stalk.
This is where many people go wrong, stalking their social media accounts makes you miss them and makes it even harder for you to let go since you’re always refreshing their Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to see if they’ve posted something new. Then for the crazies, stalking them In person too is a no no, don’t follow them to the club or their favorite restaurants then act like you’ve met accidentally hoping that you’ll work things out and get back together. The worst that can happen is when they get a new catch a couple of months just after the break up while you’re still hung up on them and the new catch happens to be way better looking or smarter than you. Heartbreak galore!
So for your own piece of mind, avoid stalking.
2. Do not stay alone.
Go out, hang out with your friends and meet new people, just don’t spend all your time alone.
In the process, get a rebound! I know a couple of people that this has worked on.
A rebound is the perfect remedy for getting over someone. This new person will give you attention and you’ll have someone new to spend your time with. You’ll barely remember that you’re going through a break up.
However, I am not an advocate of playing mind games and what not, this is the 21st Century, let’s be civil. So before you get into whatever with this new person, let them know that you’re going through a break up and you’re not looking for much. You’d be surprised how many girls/ guys would be open to it.
3. Do not discuss your ex or the break up online.
This is also another area where people go wrong, no one in social media actually cares or wants to know what happened in your relationship. Avoid talking about your ex or letting everyone know( mostly people that you’ve never even met) that you’re going through a break up. Keep your personal business to yourself, remember, Nobody Cares! Also, not talking about them helps you move on, dwelling in the past should never be an option.
4. Do NOT sleep with them.
This is literally the biggest mistake people make. Sleeping with the ex.
For women, (except whores) most sexual encounters are usually not just physical but emotional too. It might not be a big deal to men but to most girls it is. So when you have sex with your ex you start feeling some type of way. For the guy, it would just be casual sex for him with a vagina he misses. But for the girl, she over analyses everything and she thinks that it’s a sign that they should get back together. You can only imagine the disappointment she’ll have to go through again.
I don’t know about you, but one heartbreak by the same person is enough, don’t do that to yourself by sleeping with the ex.
Lastly, before you jump into the next relationship, have some alone time and figure yourself out. Make sure you’re ready for your next so that you don’t go back begging your ex.
Relationships aren’t panties, you can’t change them everyday!

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