Monday 25 August 2014

Vera To Help Other Kenyans In Skin-Bleaching

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Photo: Do you have skin pigmentation, acne etc?
Well, not anymore!!! I will soon bring in great skin products for lightening and all other challenges your skin faces. Both internal and external products at affordable rates. YES! Affordable. Not 50million, not 15million. ������. 

No more inbox messages  and texts about my skin. 
Will keep y'all posted.
 This is what she posted on her facebook page:

"Do you have skin pigmentation, acne etc?
Well, not anymore!!! I will soon bring in great skin products for lightening and all other challenges your skin faces. Both internal and external products at affordable rates. YES! Affordable. Not 50million, not 15million. . 

No more inbox messages and texts about my skin"

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