Monday 11 August 2014

Vera Sidika Gets a Taste of Sense. Read Here:

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Controversial socialite, Vera Sidika, has finally been  forced to eat a humble pie and is now apologising to anyone she has wronged.

The bootyful socialite says that she is only human and is prone to mistakes like anybody else.

This comes days after she insulted Huddah Monroe via social media and exposed her as a prostitute.

"Here’s her apology message to anyone she has wronged;

I am really blessed, not with material things but with Life and I thank God for everything he has done for me. I am only human, I make mistakes just like everybody else. I apologize when I'm wrong, I cry when it hurts, I smile every chance I get even when going through tough times.

Sometimes life is unfair, not as you anticipated but there's a reason for everything. God has a purpose for the turn of events.

I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to everyone out there that I ever wronged. Please forgive me. Nobody is perfect.

Goodnight sweethearts.

Much Love."

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