Friday 22 August 2014


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Kenneth Douglas, 60, admitted in court to having had sex with about 100 female corpses while he was an employee at a morgue in Hamilton County, Ohio. He worked at the morgue from 1976 to 1992.
Apparently, in order for him to perform these atrocious acts of necrophilia, he needed to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
“I would just get on top of them and pull my pants down,” he explained. “If I hadn’t had anything to drink when I went to work, It wouldn’t happen. I would do crack and go in and drink and go in.”
These horrific crimes didn’t surface until 2008, when his semen was discovered in the body of Karen Range, a 19-year-old who was murdered in her home by a door-to-door salesman in 1982. 
On Friday, the 6th US Circuit Court of Appeals ruled to let a lawsuit  move forward.
The former morgue attendant admitted to sexually abusing three corpses in court, but during a deposition, he said he had sex with up to 100 dead women.
According to WCPO, the lawsuit brought against the former coroner and morgue director for having failed “recklessly and wantonly” to stop Douglas from committing these crimes is the fourth case against Hamilton County for unsuccessfully protecting bodies in a morgue.
What did Douglas’ wife have to say about all of this? Apparently, she testified in the case, alleging that she did her best to report her husband. When she tried to report her suspicions, the morgue’s supervisor told her, “Whatever happens on county time and on county property is county business.”

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