Wednesday 13 August 2014

KUCCPS Should Give An Explanation On How They Carried Out There Placements!!

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It is unlikely the candidates failed to meet the minimum cluster points because selection of courses was based on one meeting the minimum cluster qualifications. Stiff competition seems to be a more likely reason. The placement agency needs to answer this question urgently.

How effective was this KUCCPS system when more than 30 per cent of the students were placed in "unexpecting" universities even after they made eight choices? For example an A student was placed in Taita Taveta to do Bachelor in Mathematics, another A- student was placed in a University that didn't  even feature in her choices. a friend of mine, A-, was placed in Laikipia University course? This>>> Community Developement yet he had not made such a choice during his second selection

One reason why candidates found themselves in this mess was that most candidates failed to bid for the courses they qualified for because the application guidelines were not clear. Applicants for degree programmes were asked to make eight choices, including two diploma choices. Its funny how you would be given a diploma course just because it appeared on your choices regardless of your grade A.

The guidelines said that a candidates’ choices 1(a), 1(b) and 1(c) clusters was to be for similar programmes while choices two, three and, four can be any other programmes for both degree and diploma programmes. If a candidate qualifies to apply for a bachelor’s degree, they may choose diploma choices as choice five and six.
Clearly the body would have made an effort to visit schools or train schools’ career masters on how the students should pick the courses. Most candidates spent lots of time in cyber cafes trying to make sense of these vague guidelines. Hopefully going forward, the agency will educate candidates on how they will select courses once the examination result is out.
Secondly, candidates applied without prior knowledge on the number of candidates interested in a particular course and the number of vacancies available in the public universities and colleges. Unless KUCCPS develops clearer selection criteria, fear of failure to get a place in certain courses would have forced candidates to go for courses with little competition in a bid to get the elusive places.

I know its too late but I would have recommended the K.U.C.C.P.S to carry out a "by-selection" for those students who were very unfortunate or the government removes this body and brings back J.A.B!

This Was Not Taken Lightly By #KOT

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