Saturday 9 August 2014

Interesting Android dating apps and the people you’ll meet using them:

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TRY THEM!!!!!!!

so the name of the fisrt app happens to be "Tinder"

Swipe to the right if you like them. Swipe to the left if you don’t. Tinder might just be the hottest dating app around these days, and it earns that status thanks to a simplified interface that provides minimal details on potential matches, instead asking you to make a decision based largely on appearance. If you both swipe right, it’s a match and you can begin communicating. Tinder has been dubbed little more than a “hook up” app by concerned parents and conservative cowards, but if you think it’s that easy to find a little fun in the sheets you will be sorely mistaken.

Who you’ll meet:

For guys:
Are these girls looking to hook up? The fact that they are on "Tinder" suggests so, but they would never admit it. You’ll have to do most of the talking, and expect some hesitancy when trying to arrange a date as your match attempts to decipher whether you are merely a creeper looking to get in her pants or not.

For girls:
Prepare yourself for countless and sundry unsolicited proposals of the sexual variety. Sure, there might be some nice guys lurking somewhere on Tinder, but most conversations start with an icebreaker along the lines of "TF!!!!Cheesus Christ!!!u wanna see a dickpic or wat!!!"

And my next favorite dating app/ or call it 'site' happens to be "Grouper"

OK, so this one isn’t technically an Android app (yet — you can still access it via the mobile web, however), but the concept is such a refreshing take on internet matchmaking that developers had to include it. That "Grouper" sets up two groups of friends e.g(three guys, three girls) on a pre-arranged date at a local hotel — complete with a concierge for introductions and a simple lunch — is novel. Not so novel? The fact that these group encounters tend to dissolve quickly and you’re no more likely to hit it off with your match than with any other app on this list — with or without wingmen.

Who you’ll meet:

For guys:
With three options you can’t lose, right? Wrong. One girl probably has a boyfriend. The other was dragged along by her friend and is only there for moral support. This leaves one eligible bachelorette who will no doubt take an interest in any other member of the group that isn’t you. LOL Wait, who is the wingman on this date again????

For girls:
You thought one dude from the internet lusting after you was creepy enough? Try three. While Grouper presents its group scenario as an innocent way for guys and gals to meet in a comfortable, friendly setting, don’t think for a second that one or all of the guys isn’t hoping the situation might devolve into an orgy that would make even Caligula jealous.

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